
Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Dear Fucked Up Terrorist

You don't know me....
I'll make sure you never get to know me but allow me to swear I'll never let you forget me.
I am an Irish mother who proudly wears the badge of motherhood because I am blessed with two amazing children. I love to talk about them because they overwhelm my heart every single day. I've watched them learn to crawl.... learn to walk and learn to fly. They did all that because they were loved and in return they learned to love life. I never had much money to give them when they were growing up and I never could dress them in designer gear but I know they never went without love.
I'm guessing you did though, because you've decided you're going to be the reason I cry more than I have done lately. You've decided that I get to sleep less at night than I did when they first left home and began to explore the world. I lie under the same moon as my children but that moon covers the world and for me it covers 3 different countries and can't always watch at the same time. But that moon carries my love to them... keeps my tears secret from them and swears to watch over them for me because they're far away from my arms.
But you..... you fucked up, sadistic, evil fucking excuse for a human being, you have decided that you are going to make mothers all over the world cry, make fathers all over the world fall apart while trying to be strong, and make children die because you've decided you can kill them in the name of a god.
No god asked that of you... No god stands by your side as you maim and destroy and kill...
There is no god if you believe you have a god to applaud your actions.
You won't win this war you've declared.... and you sure as fuck won't beat down an Irish mother.
For I have something you'll never have.....
I have love for the most amazing kids in this world and they have me to come home to when they've finished exploring a world you won't destroy...

A proud mother

Valerie Masters

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