
Sunday, 11 June 2017

Private messages from people who haven't the balls to go public

I get a lot of messages... I post poems and thoughts and truths and random stuff so I expect messages. And they come... sometimes in droves, depending what I post (droves of good and evil)... sometimes I'll get a single message that kinda explodes all others. I got that message today.
That message accused me of not living in the real world. How dare I speak to a stranger who straps himself in explosives and takes the life of others... how dare I question why he would do that to innocent people... to innocent children.
That message was hard to get my head around. It basically accused me of daring to live in wealth and serenity while writing about people who are struggling.
How dare I assume to be the voice of pain, hurt and desperation while living in total denial about the real world.
I'm not even tempted to educate them about the truth... not even a little bit tempted
What would I know about pain and loss and suicide and depression... what would I know about death and burying people that I wasn't ready to lose.....
What would I know about family and in-laws and friends and neighbours I can turn to if things get too hard to handle. What would I know about watching life fade from a loved one....
I'm happy to report that I'll fuck with the one who watches life fade deliberately.... I'll fuck with them even while they believe I'm happy in my big rich castle as though I never felt real pain... or hurt.....
I'll happily continue to write my take on truth while eating a chinese takeout in my beautiful council house as my husband passes the phone back to me to hear our kids rely their day to us from thousands of miles away........

Yep stranger from behind a screen....
You're right.....
I do live in wealth and serenity....

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