One of the stories I told you touched vaguely on the boy
living next door. As I recall I said something about wanting him to fall in
love with me. Well, I did, but I also wanted another boy to have a crush on me,
the same way I let everyone think I had a crush on him. Confused? Imagine how I
was feeling. I’d better explain.
I’m nearly 13. “On the verge of womanhood” My father would
sigh, whenever I passed by him. Don’t ask me what he meant by that. I had
enough problems trying to figure out why hair was sprouting all over my body.
I’m a girl for God’s sake. My head is the only place hair should be, not in the
funny places it was appearing. I’m getting worried coz I saw something about
that on the telly, this girl was really a boy and she was getting bullied
really badly. I get bullied sometimes in school; I hope they don’t know
something I don’t. I asked Bernie and Gina if I’d be okay but they laughed and
said I was something called a ‘Hermaphrodite’ or something like that. I must
look it up in the dictionary because it sounds like I’m going to die at a young
age. Anyway, thank god my crush doesn’t know about the hair. He’d run a mile.
Ah, my crush. Believe me when I say I was infatuated. He was gorgeous; I
thought the sun shone out of his behind. He has a cute behind. I could look at
it without people catching me because they were all too busy trying to catch me
looking at someone else. What? Still confused? Are you even listening?
Ok. When I say they I mean my brothers and sisters and the
neighbours kids down the road. There was about fifteen of us all. We did
everything together, actually they did everything together and I tagged along
hoping they’d eventually enjoy my company. It hasn’t happened yet. Anyway, one
of the boys next door is the same age as me. This is the one everyone thinks I
like. I suppose it’s logical really. He’s my age, I’m his age, he’s in my class
at school and everyone likes to play matchmaker so they’ve decided I want to be
his girlfriend. Now, I’ve never had a boyfriend before, not from lack of trying
I just seem to be unlucky (mind you lately I think it’s all this body hair,
it’s putting boys off), and I’d really like one, just not him. No, I want his
brother to be the one. The only problem is his brother is way older than me and
doesn’t know I exist. Well, he does but not in the way I’d like. It’s been so easy
in my imagination because then he walks up to me and plants a five minute
smacker on my lips. (I watch Dallas when Daddy is not around and I’ve seen the
actors kiss like that, it’s so sophisticated). Then he tells me he’s always
loved me and would like nothing more than to marry me for he would die if I
wasn’t by his side for the rest of his life. (Yeah I know I’m not thirteen yet,
I don’t actually want to get married. It’s only a daydream remember).
Unfortunately, reality is never the same as a daydream. In
reality he barely even says hello. Now and again if I step in his way (just to
breathe his scent for a minute) he’ll push past me and mutter something I can’t
repeat here. Up to now that had been enough, anything is better than nothing.
But even my patience was wearing thin and I’d come to the
conclusion that I had to get a kiss from him. I asked Bernie and Gina to tell me
what it’s like to be kissed but they told me no one will ever kiss a “Hermodote” Damn I can’t remember the name and I need to
look it up. Desperation was kicking in
and if I didn’t get kissed soon I’d be an old maid and no one would want me.
I’d be living alone by the time I was thirty, old with no one for company but
the ten cats I’d adopt. But how was I going to get kissed? Even the boy that
everyone thought I liked didn’t like me back. I really must be one of those
‘Hermrahobies’. All I really knew was it didn’t matter if he didn’t kiss me
back because even if I did end up with just ten cats for company I could lie to
people about my first kiss and describe it like the ones from Dallas.
Little could I have known when planning this that the very
next night I would get my chance? There was about nine of us in our kitchen (with
mammy washing dishes and me keeping a low profile in case they put me out for
annoying them) and everyone was laughing and joking when the power went. Complete
darkness fell on us and while everyone was screeching excitedly I did a quick
calculation. My crush was three people away from me to my left. It would only
take seconds to get to him and he need never know who kissed him. I felt so
Putting out my hands to steady myself, I stood up and
carefully made my way towards him. I felt my way past the first person, then
the second and finally there he was. My crush! My moment! Jesus, I thought my
heart would fall out and land on his shoes. Imagine the mess that would make.
Ok, relax and breathe, no need to close my eyes it’s already dark, second
thoughts I will, it feels better and here goes? Ughh! It’s horrible and wet and
wait, he feels funny. Oh no, is that the light on? Why is everyone laughing hysterically?
I open my eyes and slowly peep out. Oh my God! I can’t believe I just kissed my
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